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Réalisés tous les 2/3 ans, en présentiel, ayant comme invités des conférenciers du monde lusophone, afin de discuter une problématique donnée.

Fundação Oriente, Goa-India

30 septembre 2024

XVI International Seminair on Indo-Portuguese History


Chaire Eduardo Lourenço, Camões I.P., ALLSH-amU, IMAF; CHAM-NOVA-FCSH; Fundação Oriente.




Favorable conditions to get back to these seminars, after the pandemic period finally arrived and it became feasible to re-activate our scientific gatherings. It is to be noted that all the previous meetings have been exclusively organized in collaboration with Delhi University and the Academy of Science. This time we wished the Encounter to be set once again in India, and more specifically in Goa, where it took place the last time in 2003.​

Campus Schuman Bât. Egger

31 janvier 2024

Séminaire International "Relações França-Brasil nos Séculos XVIII e princípios do XIX: medo, deslumbramento e missão"

Maria-Fernanda Bicalho (Universidade Federal Fulminense)


Chaire Eduardo Lourenço, Camões I.P., ALLSH-amU, IMAF.




UALG - Universidade do Algarve

22 septembre 2023

Colloque International "Deuxième Colloque international du Centre TULE (Tourisme littéraire)"


Comissão Científica: Giovanni Capecchi (Universidade para Estrangeiros de Perugia, Itália), diretor; Elena Alexeeva (Universidade de Voronej, Rússia); Lorenzo Bagnoli (Universidade de Milão-Bicocca, Itália); Rita Baleiro (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal); Rita Capurro (Universidade de Milão-Bicocca, Itália); Yannick Gouchan (Universidade de Aix-Marseille, França); Toni Marino (Universidade para Estrangeiros de Perugia, Itália); Matteo M. Pedroni (Universidade de Lausanne, Suíça); Jordi Arcos Pumarola (CETT - Universidade de Barcelona, Espanha); Roberto Ubbidiente (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Alemanha); Walter Zidaric (Universidade de Nantes, França).




Este evento teve como tema "O turismo literário em destinos de férias e de evasão", explorando como o turismo literário se desenvolveu ou pode desenvolver-se em locais de lazer e escapismo, tanto no passado como no presente.

BnP - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

21 juin 2022

Séminaire International "Away from Home: Ideas, Emotions, Images and Writings on Homesickness in the Mediterranean World" Day 2

Isabel dos Guimarães Sá (Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade e Departamento de História, Braga, Portugal), Vanessa Paloma Elbaz Konstantinos Giakoumis (LOGOS University College, Tirana, Albania; PIMO Action), Hélio Nuno Soares (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain), Ernestine Carreira (Université d`Aix-Marseille; Laboratoire IMAF-CNRS; Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço, Aix-en-Provence, France), María Zozaya-Montes (CIDEHUS, Universidade de Évora, Portugal), Ventura Ricardo Ledesma Alonso (Departamento de História, Faculdade de Filosofia e Letras, Universidade Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), Mafalda Sofia Borges Soares (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Maria da Graça A. Mateus Ventura (Centro de História, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisbon; Instituto de Cultura Ibero-Atlântica, Portimão, Portugal), Jacopo Masi (Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Joanna Musiatewicz (Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland; PIMO Action), Katrina O’Loughlin (Brunel University London, United Kingdom; PIMO Action), Pauline Cherrier (Université d`Aix-Marseille, Laboratoire IrAsia), Vanessa Paloma Elbaz (Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; INALCO, Paris, France; PIMO Action).


COST Action PIMo (CA18140) - People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923) - in collaboration with Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço, Aix-Marseille University; CEC, Center for Classic Studies; CH, Center for History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon; CHAM, Centre for Humanities, NOVA FCSH-UAc; CIDEHUS-University of Évora.




Homesickness is a sentiment, and an idea shared by societies around the Mediterranean, and felt by individuals and communities alike, either temporarily or permanently; particularly in a geography marked by the voluntary and involuntary displacement of people across the political, cultural and religious divide since Antiquity. Being away from home triggers a vast array of situations and feelings, like nostalgia manifested by narratives, art, patterns of consumption, etc.; or the attempt to keep the identity in face of a different set of values in the place one is living as an exile or as an expatriate; namely through the endeavor to build Home away from Home; and to maintain contact with Home exchanging writings, presents, etc. It is our aim to see how and to understand why, despite Globalization, Cosmopolitanism, and the growing circulation of people (like travelers, traders, pilgrims, students, scientists, tourists), and the exchange of ideas across national, cultural and religious divides, individual and communities still maintained their entangled relationship with Home, either in a real or constructed image and discourse, through time. For that we invite scholars to explore all available media that reveals Homesickness to participate in this congress.

BnP - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

20 juin 2022

Séminaire International "Away from Home: Ideas, Emotions, Images and Writings on Homesickness in the Mediterranean World" Day 1

Maria Inês Cordeiro (Directora-Geral da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal), Hermínia Vaconcelos Vilar (Reitora da Universidade de Évora e Directora de CIDEHUS), Giovanni Tarantino (PIMo Action Chair, University of Florence, Italy), Cátia Antunes (PIMo Action Workgoup 4 Leader - People in Motion), Leiden University, The Netherlands), Ernestine Carreira (directrice, Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço, Université d`Aix-Marseille, France), Ana Paula Avelar (CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH-UAc), Rodrigo Furtado (Director do Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa), José da Silva Horta (director do Centro de História, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa), Ahmed Boucharb (Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco), João Teles e Cunha (Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal; PIMO Action), Talha Kaan Ünlü (Amasya University, Turkey; PIMO Action), José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva Tavim (Centro de História, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; PIMO Action), Marília dos Santos Lopes (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal), Angelo Cattaneo (National Research Council, Rome, Italy; CHAM, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal, PIMO Action), Ana Paula Avelar, CHAM, NOVA FCSH-UAc; Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal), Edite Alberto (CHAM, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa, Portugal), Luís Costa e Sousa (CHAM, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa, Portugal), Tiago Machado de Castro (CHAM, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa, Portugal), Edite Alberto (CHAM, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa, Portugal), António Jorge Afonso (Centro de História, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)


COST Action PIMo (CA18140) - People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923) - in collaboration with Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço, Aix-Marseille University; CEC, Center for Classic Studies; CH, Center for History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon; CHAM, Centre for Humanities, NOVA FCSH-UAc; CIDEHUS-University of Évora.




Homesickness is a sentiment, and an idea shared by societies around the Mediterranean, and felt by individuals and communities alike, either temporarily or permanently; particularly in a geography marked by the voluntary and involuntary displacement of people across the political, cultural and religious divide since Antiquity. Being away from home triggers a vast array of situations and feelings, like nostalgia manifested by narratives, art, patterns of consumption, etc.; or the attempt to keep the identity in face of a different set of values in the place one is living as an exile or as an expatriate; namely through the endeavor to build Home away from Home; and to maintain contact with Home exchanging writings, presents, etc. It is our aim to see how and to understand why, despite Globalization, Cosmopolitanism, and the growing circulation of people (like travelers, traders, pilgrims, students, scientists, tourists), and the exchange of ideas across national, cultural and religious divides, individual and communities still maintained their entangled relationship with Home, either in a real or constructed image and discourse, through time. For that we invite scholars to explore all available media that reveals Homesickness to participate in this congress.

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